Friday, December 21, 2007

AOC: End of the road

Well the day is done and it is time to head back to a galaxy a long time ago and far far away. I congratulate Dr. Mnemonic …. Uhhh Dr. Demonic , well the Brain in the Jar guy.

I leave China in the capable hands of Samantha. Who better to run a totalitarian communist/capitalist country? I think she will have the brains, will power and ruthlessness to oppress the people and pump out more lead tainted toy and other cheap crap. I just hope none of the old power structure tried to reclaim the land for themselves, she would slay them all and the streets would run with a different kind of red.

Gabby and his guys head off to make a living as re-enactors in Virginia. With the money they made as henchman they decided to get new old uniforms and make it more a hobby than a vocation.

As for me I think I learned a lot on this show. I learnd that….

henchy 2

“Tak, what ate you doing? You not going to make this a “Very Special
Blossom” moment are you? Cuz thats kinda girly. The only thing you learned was you got spanked by a Brain in Jar. I can’t believe that he even got more action thatn you did. Did I mention HE IS A BRAIN IN A JAR!!!!!” The Henchman smacks his own head in despair.

“If I was going to have a Very Special Blossom moment, that would make you Joey Lawrence. Right?” I ask

The Henchman just shakes his head and starts looking for the nearest bar.

As I was saying I learned a lot of things, but mostly I learned …..

Koma starts yelling at me. “Oy, Clone freak, did you learn to read the shows contract better. Because if you did you would see that the second place contestant has to clean up the mess the show left. So grab a broom and get to it.” He turns and leaves.

I look out over the island and harbor.

island trash

I really need to read those contracts better. On the other hand I guess that is why Koma is a evil genius.


Jon the Intergalactic Gladiator said...

Blossom come back! All is forgiven!

Er, I mean, I saw that show... once or twice.

captain koma said...

you got that right.

Thats exactly why I'm the evil genius.

Thats the way I roll.

Thomas Fummo said...

*hands captain 'the bigger broom'*


Mr. Bennet said...

I still say I should have won, but I guess there's always Sylar's Bachelor. The brain in a jar doesn't have a chance at winning that!