Nemonock - Who is voting?
Tak - Yeah!
Well I will be requesting a vote from all of the players who didn't make it to the final round to e-mail me at for who they thought won as well as the usual online poll. So its the public plus the past players that decide who wins the next challenge.
Nemonock - That sounds like trickery. The public loves the clone cause he's a simpleton and an ignoramus.
Tak - Yeah I'm famous.
Lets stop this right now and get on with it.
The final challenge is .................................
Wait for it...........................................................
Build a Doomsday device and use it to take over China.

Remember those who were voted off and the public are going to decide the winner.
I've got a huge clock.
Taking over China? that is it. not a problem.
*psst pssst* anyone want to give me a headsup where I can find a cheap doomsday devise?
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