Log cabin Perhaps the title should be 3 brainless men and a brainless brain...
I was given a log cabin... Having a look inside I saw it wouldn't do...
So I would need to redecorate..

It wouldn't take long. Using my connection with the internet and computers I arranged for the items I needed to be delivered.
Before Long I had my cabin set up and I was ready to dominate... er spy on the villains...

Eliminate the competition and the world is yours... Er.. I mean a safer place...
I must make sure my real intentions are never discovered

We were suppose to meet everyone in a lounge so I proceeded...
Magneto immediately approached me
Magneto: I was thinking it would be a good idea if we shared a room...
My response: I think not....
He continued and I slipped away to powder my nose... It works with carbonite females, so why not with me...
Synth-Lin stopped me and pointed, Mags was speaking to a a stool
Lin: I told him you turned yourself into a stool
I looked at her
My response: I haven't be able to do that since I merged with the Mutant and received bio-organs
Lin: Well perhaps he has been wearing that helmet too long..
My response: thanks sister
Then while planning my ..... plan... Writing Tony a love letter, rearrange the satellites for him as he has asked, directing the T 800 on a top secret job, monitoring this monitor for wanting to kill me I was approached...
It was Bennet... I tried to ignore him and his mindless chatter
The Brain came up to me... Bennet left and now I was being questioned by this thing...
My response: Incorrect... I am a combination of Skynet, the TX-ultimate and the mutant known as Dreamweaver.
Finally Brainy went to speak with Bennet again...
Then I was approached by a pimp dressed as an imperial solider actually he was a clone that thought he was a pimp...

He walked over slurred some words and then passed out
Koma: How much did he have?
Henchman: He was only drinking Milk
I glared at Cain he had been tagged and didn't seem happy about it...
I walked back over to Lin.
My response: Shame you couldn't get Seven here, then I would have had competition.
But it was Whole Milk and I normally drink 1%, So you see where the problem arose.
Jeez, you have to explain everything to these simple bots.
Ha! You think your better than me, when my uncle killed you before I was born. He uses your skull as a paper weight.
My chatter wasn't mindless! It was about the ramifications of time travel. Interesting stuff, if you were really a cyborg thingy like you claim to be. Only real women find theoretical science to be mindless.
Just so you know, I have secured us the honeymoon suite. Hint, hint.
This Magneto person definately seems worthy of assimilation.
A brainless brain? My my, I did not know that you were programmed with such a sharp, sarcastic wit.
Have at him Seven :D:))
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