Monday, October 29, 2007... at 5:30 AM... Captain Koma: Your Challenge -
Recruit a bunch of Henchman and train them in the wonderful art of Henching.
Easy enough Challenge... I have complete control of all the surveillance cameras from here to Crime Alley and I have been monitoring everyone... Bruce Cain, thinks his gadgets can stopped me but he has seriously under estimated me. Sure the dancing Buu was a gruesome sight but it only delayed me for 9.2 seconds... A simple command had me monitoring everything again...
When it comes to Machines, Electronics and Computers primarily... I control them... Period
Which brings me to the first challenge....
I entered my cabin and my new right hand approached...

T-800 unit 12863065-Beta: Has the Challenge been set?
My response: It has.
Monday, October 29, 2007... at 5:30 AM... Captain Koma: Your Challenge -
Recruit a bunch of Henchman and train them in the wonderful art of Henching.

T-800 unit 12863065-Beta: It would seem you are one step a head of the others.
He looked behind him at the T-800 and T-850 hybrid Borg-terminators.
My response: So Seven received my message...
T-800 unit 12863065-Beta: She said she was intrigued with your idea of combining Borg Tech with Skynet tech... She sent a Borg she said had been troublesome to her and the Queen...

T-800 unit 12863065-Beta: Seven said do with her as you wish, that 69's tech was perfect Borg Tech but that 69 wasn't worthy of it. so I have followed your instructions...

T-800 unit 12863065-Beta: Using the drone 69 I have converted all terminators into Superior Terminators
Better than ever Borg Battle Drones.
T-800 unit 12863065-Beta:We had only one malfunction in the first batch and was able to eliminate it in the other batches.. The schematics and reports have been sent to Seven.
My response: WHAT malfunction?
T-800 unit 12863065-Beta: It was an anomaly.... One unit was... underdeveloped...

My response: What did you do with the unit?
T-800 unit 12863065-Beta: It is on stand by mode... It was the only unit to show diverse responses to the projected achievement... The B/T-extreme 800's and 850's Have all the capabilities of a Terminator... Endurance, drive, no need to sleep, eat or otherwise regenerate. They can vocally mimic others, but now have the ability to assimilate and create other Terminators with he same abilities..
I nodded as I inspected the defective one...

I nodded again
My response: This is my army but I need, others... He said
Mimicking Koma's voice: Yes all good Super-villains need Henchmen, assistants, grunts, cannon fodder. Someone to do the heavy lifting and when your plan fails distract the hero while you make a hasty get away.
My response: The B/T extreme units are my army, but I need smaller henchmen... Ones that are more expendable.
I looked at the defective unit and it spoke
Half-Kilo: I am Half-Kilo, I operate to serve
My response: Half-Kilo once I have hired my smaller unit of henchmen, you will lead them and answer to me...
He nodded and I sent him and my right hand, T-800 unit 12863065-Beta to extend an invitation...
Soon I had various henchmen enter... They looked around at the Terminators on guard around the cabin both inside and out..
They were lined up and I walked down the line... and scanned each

Aliases: The Boogey Man
Affiliations: Formally joined with the Black Plague
Abilities: Agile, Super Strength, feral. Energy weapon training.

Scanning......Name: Victor Basil
Aliases: Guns n' bones
Affiliations: Formally joined with the Black Plague and Vlad
Abilities: Agile, Super Strength, feral. weapon training. Immortal

Name: Jamie Tonne
Aliases: Skull-splinter
Affiliations: Formally joined with the legaue of Evil
Abilities: Slow but Super Strength, feral. Massive Explosives expert

Name: Tim Aster
Aliases: Zoomie
Affiliations: Wanted on most outer worlds for crimes with his brother
Abilities: Magic user, Strategist

Name: Jim Aster
Aliases: Toomie
Affiliations: Wanted on most outer worlds for crimes with his brother
Abilities: Fast and Hard hitter, can use most weapons and run most vehicles

Name: Wang zu
Aliases: Sumo
Affiliations: Japanese Triads
Abilities: Martial arts
Name: WongMing tu

Aliases: Black Ying
Affiliations: Japanese Triads
Abilities: Martial arts

Aliases: Shaman, Native Joe
Affiliations: none
Abilities: Strong Arming

Aliases: Cybor-scorpion
Affiliations: US Military, dis-honorable discharge for treason
Abilities: High Tech weapons and vehicles

So I have my lower level henchmen and I have some of higher quality...
Training the New Borg-Terminator hybrids was only a matter of programing...
They are ready to take the world by force...
To assist me is the carbonite henchmen. I looked at them...
My response: I will now train you. There is only 2 out comes... You will survive and join my team or you will be terminated...

they trained hard and surprisingly all but one survived
I am surprised Half-kilo went down so easily...
The rest of my henchmen suffered a few injuries but will live and are ready...
Hmm....can I borrow some of yours? Maybe the injured ones at least?
Hmph! You can't defeat anything more advanced than you are, You Model T. You see what I want you to see.
You have hired yourself quite an army there. you are surely ready to do evil. Either that or attend a Gwar concert.
Holy Crap!! so far my henchmen/girls/kids can only sell cookies and piss themselves.
I have got to do some training with them. (potty training)
There is always a problem with large groups of Henchmen. Stopping the ones with ideas of advancement. In a crowd they can hide and wait till your least expecting it.
And remember who beat Ultron baby. It was me.
Eclectic Electronics of Resonant Harmonics! That was a mindblast.
Good group. Just make sure they don't get out of control.
The Borg Terminator hybrids should help you, Sky. The amalgam of our great talents.
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