Tak - How close? I better have a shower and buy some new clothes. Oh I'm so nervous I'm sweating right now.
Neemonock - Are you sure this judge will be impartial.
Buttler - Yeah she and the clone have history.
Gyrobo - His crush for her is so big one can carve it out of an iceberg. I did that with my first love. I flew it by helicopter over her house and dropped it on the house. Unfortunately she was in the house at the time. I was crushed.
She'll be ok.
Now for your challenge.
Build a big Robot of Doom.

Let the evil continue!
Who wants to be Super-Villain is brought to you by Evil Eddie's robots.

Ah, the sasquatch-moonman model. A classic.
And here I expected the challenges would get easier....
Thank God Koma decided not to use one of Eddies robot's as a template for me.
The body hair just freaks me right out.
No one better build a munnky robot. TRUKK NOT MUNKY!
But Evil Robots are scary!! not at all cute anc cudley like insane robot clowns.
Tee hee!
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